Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds could be used in a few different ways such as; physical therapy to treat PTSD, train medical students – practice surgeries and procedure, safety way to test cars and increase sales and helps businesses. According to “Going to the virtual of office in Second Life” organizations use second life for video conferencing, offer training for employees, prototype new technology, meeting tool to share ideas, file sharing and brainstorming. Because virtual worlds are just a representation of realty there is room for mistakes and that is the biggest advantage. For instance, a medical student could practice or procedure a surgery in a virtual world and make as many mistakes until he/she gets it right. As my mom always told me “Practice makes it perfect” and with virtual worlds the practice for medical students is as close to reality it will get. Moreover, by training through virtual world labor cost could decrease, more employees could work from home which could cut rent cost. However, working from home through a computer may cause a feeling of isolation and for the long run communication problems with human being. More issues; not everything that would work in the real world will work in a virtual world, not all team members share the same organization cultures which could lead to many conflicts.

Virtual worlds foster creativity because it is a “picture” of the real world. Each person sees the world in a different way and could create whatever comes to their mind. Thus, by creating there is use of creativity. Jacki Morie, a virtual world designer explains that in order to maintain her creativity she creates a lot of art, she writes, raises ducks, cook, grow vegetables and travel in exotic locations. Moria states “I like to open myself out to all kinds of experiences- but they have to have heart. Then they all become part of a vast ocean of ideas I can pull from when I want to create something new.” For Moria virtual worlds defiantly foster creativity.    

I think that people will communicate only through virtual worlds in the future. I don’t think it will do good for society, people will become isolated, develop communication issues and mental issues.


  1. Technology is truly amazing. I had no idea that virtual reality had the capabilities to treat such complex psychological conditions like PTSD, it is a condition that many veterans coming back from being overseas suffer from. Its very interesting that we have come this far to be able to utilize something like virtual reality to treat mental illnesses.

  2. Virtual worlds has all different kinds of use, as you mentioned it could use to train people. And I think that is good, maybe in the future, we are able to taking classes in the virtual world. So we don't have to wake up so early, and taking the trains to school.


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