
Showing posts from June, 2017

Creativity and New Media

Hi have created an account in second life. My avatar's name is Carinne6 and she kinda looks like me as well. If to be honest, I didn't really know what virtual worlds were before this class. I felt like a little girl the first time I logged in. I mainly flow around the island enjoying the fact that I can fly. Since I downloaded second Life to my computer I will continue to discover the Island with Carinne6!   

Next New

I would suggest to create a new social media that would be called “My Hood”. The idea is to connect people that live in the same area together, and share information about the different facilities that area has to offer. Part of the steps of creating a profile there will be an option of “search distance”. The search distance will be from 1 mile to 200+ miles and the user could decide how to filter it. Once one sets the search distance he/she will automatically connect to the people in that radius. Meaning the social media will be location base and not the regular way where one needs to search for people in order to connect. Once one is connected to their hood page they could start to contribute and see all posts that other published on the page. Users could post any information about the area that could be useful for another user such as; new restaurants, clothing shop is having a good sale, bar burned down (happened a few months ago in my neighborhood) and more. M

HW Creativity

Mashups are considered to be under the New Media umbrella. Mashups are websites or web applications that are created from two or more different sources. Mashup is the combination of content that one takes from two or more sources, mixes it up and forms a new product/service that is represented in a creative way. Mashup fosters creativity because there are no limitations on where the creation needs to come from or where it needs to go to. For instance, if I want to create a mashup using Britney Spears song “Hit me baby one more time” and Mozart’s music, I can use Britney’s lyrics with Mozart’s music or I can take Mozart’s music mix it with some of Britney’s music in between or perhaps I can change Mozart’s music a bit- add drums and change Britney’s voice. There are so many options when it comes to creating a mashup and no rules and that why is fosters creativity. In 2007, YouTube users created mashups where Walt Disney’s characters were represented as rap starts. The videos became a

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual worlds could be used in a few different ways such as; physical therapy to treat PTSD, train medical students – practice surgeries and procedure, safety way to test cars and increase sales and helps businesses. According to “Going to the virtual of office in Second Life” organizations use second life for video conferencing, offer training for employees, prototype new technology, meeting tool to share ideas, file sharing and brainstorming. Because virtual worlds are just a representation of realty there is room for mistakes and that is the biggest advantage. For instance, a medical student could practice or procedure a surgery in a virtual world and make as many mistakes until he/she gets it right. As my mom always told me “Practice makes it perfect” and with virtual worlds the practice for medical students is as close to reality it will get. Moreover, by training through virtual world labor cost could decrease, more employees could work from home which could cut rent cost. Howe