HW Creativity

Mashups are considered to be under the New Media umbrella. Mashups are websites or web applications that are created from two or more different sources. Mashup is the combination of content that one takes from two or more sources, mixes it up and forms a new product/service that is represented in a creative way. Mashup fosters creativity because there are no limitations on where the creation needs to come from or where it needs to go to. For instance, if I want to create a mashup using Britney Spears song “Hit me baby one more time” and Mozart’s music, I can use Britney’s lyrics with Mozart’s music or I can take Mozart’s music mix it with some of Britney’s music in between or perhaps I can change Mozart’s music a bit- add drums and change Britney’s voice. There are so many options when it comes to creating a mashup and no rules and that why is fosters creativity.
In 2007, YouTube users created mashups where Walt Disney’s characters were represented as rap starts. The videos became a huge success and Nickelodeon saw these videos in a positive light “Our audiences can creatively mash video from our content as much and as often as they like.” This is a great example of a mashup that fostered creativity.



  1. Mashups are a great example of a New Media that creates and fosters creativity. Your examples of various types of Mashups are ingenious and I truly think a Mozart and Britney Spears mashup can be a big hit. On another note, mashups don't only have to relate to music, mashups can be seen in business and many various types of fields, they are omnipresent! Great work Carinne!

  2. Carinne, your example of a musical mashup of two appositive characters of a classical Mozart with a contemporary singer like Britney Spears is what makes musical mashup fascinating to watch and listen. Another of my favorite is President Obama's mashup of Ed Sheeran's song "Shape of you" it is a delight to watch.



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