

File sharing is the ability to share data from one computer to another over a network or the internet. Every computer that shares the file can access and work on it at any time. For example, I have group project for a different online class I’m taking and we are using google Docs. Every team member could add his/her part and their own pace, plus each team member could see the others work. File sharing is not only sharing documents and ideas but also music, photos, movies and games. Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing is one technique for file sharing. P2P file sharing allows one to directly share with another to all files download and edit, basically borrowing from each other. P2P can be a very useful tool for business however it could harm other business as well. P2P has created issues for movies and music records, users simply download anything they want for free. In “ Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios” they address this problem and Richard Cotton, the gen...


In the past, when somebody needed/wanted information they would go to the library and search. And if one would want to search for personal information they would either ask around (friends, family or people they know) or hire an investigator. Today, it is very simple to access personal information. For example, last week I received a text message from friends’ friend, the conversation was moving towards a job offer. However, I didn’t remember what industry he worked in so I googled him and figured it out in a second. Privacy and confidentiality are huge issues when it comes to new media, in particular social networking websites. In order to create a profile in a social networking websites, one needs to add personal information. That personal information has become from private and confidential to open for the use of the general public and could be used against the same individual. Many of the social media sites ask for information such as a birthday or email addre...

Creativity and New Media

Hi have created an account in second life. My avatar's name is Carinne6 and she kinda looks like me as well. If to be honest, I didn't really know what virtual worlds were before this class. I felt like a little girl the first time I logged in. I mainly flow around the island enjoying the fact that I can fly. Since I downloaded second Life to my computer I will continue to discover the Island with Carinne6!   

Next New

I would suggest to create a new social media that would be called “My Hood”. The idea is to connect people that live in the same area together, and share information about the different facilities that area has to offer. Part of the steps of creating a profile there will be an option of “search distance”. The search distance will be from 1 mile to 200+ miles and the user could decide how to filter it. Once one sets the search distance he/she will automatically connect to the people in that radius. Meaning the social media will be location base and not the regular way where one needs to search for people in order to connect. Once one is connected to their hood page they could start to contribute and see all posts that other published on the page. Users could post any information about the area that could be useful for another user such as; new restaurants, clothing shop is having a good sale, bar burned down (happened a few months ago in my neighborhood) and more. M...