File sharing is the ability to share data from one computer to another over a network or the internet. Every computer that shares the file can access and work on it at any time. For example, I have group project for a different online class I’m taking and we are using google Docs. Every team member could add his/her part and their own pace, plus each team member could see the others work. File sharing is not only sharing documents and ideas but also music, photos, movies and games. Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing is one technique for file sharing. P2P file sharing allows one to directly share with another to all files download and edit, basically borrowing from each other. P2P can be a very useful tool for business however it could harm other business as well. P2P has created issues for movies and music records, users simply download anything they want for free. In “ Digital Pirates Winning Battle with Studios” they address this problem and Richard Cotton, the gen...